How a Personality Trait Assessment Helps Improve Communication

Employees are a diverse group of people who aren't always in sync when it comes to communications. Written, spoken and even non-verbal communications can trigger a breakdown in interactions. The following post from Harrison Assessments describes how the Harrison Assessment can illustrate personality and communication styles so that members of management and work groups can better understand themselves and each other:

“According to a recent Harris Poll … a stunning majority (69%) of the managers said that they’re often uncomfortable communicating with employees. Over a third (37%) of the managers said that they’re uncomfortable having to give direct feedback about their employees’ performance if they think the employee might respond negatively to the feedback. Effective communication is a core trait of leadership and there is an abundance of training materials, books, and articles designed to help leaders improve critical communication skills. Although communication training is a core emphasis within almost every leadership development program, the recent Harris Poll shows that a focus on effective communication skills alone is not enough to help managers and leaders learn how to effectively communicate. What is not provided in the training is the understanding and awareness of how different people react to critical feedback."

Read the entire post dated April 29, 2016 on the Harrison Assessments website.

Conover Consulting can provide the Harrison Assessment and follow-up advising to your organization so that individual communication styles are understood amongst members of executive teams and other work groups.

Laura Conover