What's in a Title?
What’s in a job title? A lot. Job titles often reflect the real and or perceived level of importance of a job in an organization, and they carry emotional value for the people who bear them.
Job Titles Reflective of the Work
Often job titles are inflated to give their holders a sense of increased compensation the organization is either unwilling or unable to provide. Or titles are inflated in hopes those with the titles will feel more valued by the organization, and perhaps deliver more value in their role. For instance, Bookkeepers are often called “Accountants” when the “Accountant” designation points to a professional level position which requires specific education and training.
How about having more fun with job titles?
And how about asking employees what they think their title should be? Doing so gives them more ownership of their job and can give them an opportunity to express how they feel about their role. The May 2016 Harvard Business Review contains an excellent article on the topic of job titles titled, “Creative Job Titles Can Energize Workers.” An idea worth investigating!