Trust is at the Heart of a Good Company Culture

I’m oftentimes working with companies where the culture is at odds with their business objectives, undermining growth, innovation and profitability. I counsel my clients to rethink their leadership and how that impacts their culture.

 I also ask them to read “The Neuroscience of Trust”, an article in the January-February 2017 Harvard Business Review, which provides excerpts from Paul Zak’s new book, Trust Factor:  The Science of Creating High-Performance Companies.  While the article references the science of the brain with respect to trust, there are multiple valuable insights about the business value of trust. Zak reminds us that culture needs to be intentionally managed by leadership to ensure cultural alignment with the mission and purpose of the organization, and when that happens, employee engagement, productivity and profits increase.

Here’s a link to the article:

Better yet, grab a copy of the book! Trust me, you’ll get great value, and be sure to visit my Website to learn more about how to get your leadership focused and culture aligned.