Constantly contemplating all of life’s “What ifs...?” and forever overthinking everything, both good and bad, can be paralyzing. Likewise, spending your metal energies devising countless contingency plans—and then contingency plans for your contingency plans—is an exercise in futility. Instead, lean into your superpower this coming year: the force (for good) of positive thinking.
Read MoreMost of us practice some form of gratitude daily when tossing a casual “Thank you” to someone who holds a door open to us. Yet real gratitude goes deeper than mere manners. It’s a profound psychological state that can often mean the difference between disease and wellness or between success and failure. Read my new article on how to make gratitude your perennial state of mind.
Read MoreAre you the leader of an "Agile Organization?" These companies maximize productivity and profits by retaining final authority—while still granting employees significant input into the creative process. CEOs and other top managers wishing to benefit from this modern arrangement succeed best when playing various different roles—at the same time. Learn about them in my new article.
Read MoreReluctance to acknowledge, much less, seek help for mental health issues is taking a huge toll on businesses. One-third of U.S. employers claim mental health problems are inflicting a “severe or significant financial impact” to their performance, a massive 10-point increase from just two years ago. Read my new article about how to achieve a work culture emphasizing mental wellness.
Read MoreUnion membership in the United States is on the rise. And the growing popularity of organized labor among both workers and the public portends a dramatic—and hopefully constructive—turn in how companies do business. Let’s look at what is driving workers interested in joining unions.
Read MoreWith employees quitting en masse, how can astute managers and company leaders show workers the respect they require to stay on the job and meet company goals? Here are some key suggestions.
Your company may not have the power, prestige, or budget of the 16th century Roman Catholic Church, but it still can accomplish great things when you leverage the power of teams. Read my new article about how to expand your thinking—and what’s possible—with a simple mindset shift.
Read MoreThese days, employees not only expect to know how their pay compares to that of their co-workers but, in many states, including California, companies are now required to justify pay disparities that may exist within their workforce. Read my new article to better understand how to pay your people and provide salary transparency.
Read MoreFully 1/3 of the workforce is expected to change jobs in 2022, hugely affecting company revenues. Yet by creating a community spirit, you can bring out the best in your people and, just as important, give them a reason to stay. Read my newest article about how to become—and stay—an employer of choice by creating a winning, welcoming culture.
Read MoreWe are in a period of profound transition. Tomorrow's corporate leaders need to know how these seismic shifts can affect both personal identity and job performance. Read my new article to help your people deal with the ever more critical question: “Who am I?”
Read MoreAs the Great Resignation demonstrates all too well, today’s workers have little desire to come back to an 8-to-5, five-day-a-week grind. Read my new article about how the nature of work is changing for the better—creating more productive and enjoyable work experiences for tomorrow’s organizations.
Read MoreManaging and motivating any diverse workforce can be challenging. But with people representing as many as five distinct generations working side-by-side, companies are finding a one-size-fits all style just doesn’t cut it. Read my new article about how to better lead your age-diverse organization.
Read MoreNo company can buy its way out of a toxic work environment. No amount of money can entice employees to stay in a hostile workplace for long. Instead, tomorrow's corporate leaders must find ways to attract and keep top people. Learn the warning signs of a sick office culture and how to turn around a bad situation.
Read MoreEmployees have been quitting their jobs en masse to find more meaningful work. But, if recent reports are to be believed, this movement may be cooling, if not reversing. Even so, employers of choice must be strategic about how to attract and retain top people. Learn how in my new article.
Read MoreChange can be painful and tends to meet with resistance, especially in the business setting. Yet change is the only constant we can expect and is required for growth. Read my newest article to learn how to best prepare your organization for (inevitable) shifts ahead.
Read MoreLeaders determined to not just survive but thrive during these chaotic times must recognize and embrace the cultural changes sweeping through the workplace. Read my newest article to stay ahead of emerging trends and better pilot your organization.
Read MoreTop performance is achieved when mind and body are developed in tandem. This is nowhere truer than in the boardroom. Read my newest article to learn how you can shape up to compete even better in the business arena.
Read MoreIs your company up on the latest salary trends? If not, you’re at a dangerous competitive disadvantage. Read my newest article to learn how to acquire and retain top talent in these uncertain times.
How can you as a business owner, executive, manager, or entrepreneur up your game in an increasingly competitive business environment? Read my new article about how to leverage a winning sports mentality for greater professional success.
Read MoreNow that remote working is here to stay, tomorrow's companies must be informed about best practices to win and keep top talent. Please read my latest article to learn the right compensation practices for your offsite people.
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