Leaders: Make sure your people take all of their vacation time. Many Americans don’t.
Read MoreDo you have frontline workers in your organization? Retail, delivery personnel, and hospitality workers are examples of those who have direct contact with your customers and often feel taken for granted and left out from many opportunities and rewards given to office workers. These people are often the face of your company to your customers and need to feel seen and appreciated by organization leadership to genuinely care about being their best for your customers.
Read MoreIt’s that time of year again: time to do salary budgeting for next year.
Read MoreEmployee burnout is not new. But it’s getting worse, and employers need to take action to address its effects.
Read MoreIn last week’s post we discussed the negative impacts of employee burnout in the workplace. This week we are looking at how to spot burnout in your people.
Read MoreAre you spending too much time with people who drain your energy? It is important to invest in people and be a mentor, but be careful not to spend too much time with people who always create negative energy.
Read MoreSince we are in the midst of my favorite season, football (college more so than pro), this is an opportune time to learn about leading teams from Tom Brady.
Read MoreEven absent organization change, it is necessary to be very clear about what you mean and what you expect from employees. Clear, concise, repeated communication is always needed when we are trying to get a message to people.
Read MoreAI may be the future but emotional intelligence (EQ) is still very much the now. We all still value person to person interactions, which is why it’s critical to train your staff to deal properly with customers—and each other. Read now to learn more.
Read MoreWith the COVID pandemic receding, more and more companies want workers to come back to the office full time. But are “return to work” mandates falling on deaf ears? In a word: yes! Businesses must change tactics to attract and keep top talent.
Read MoreLooking for a great book to read (or hear) for insights into how to manage your life, your business, and your sanity in the 2020s? I have two choice recommendations. Please read on.
Read More25 years ago, experts warned that within a generation retiring Baby Boomers and older Gen Xers would create a labor supply crisis. Has that prediction come true? If your company is having trouble staffing critical positions, here’s what you can do to attract the best and brightest.
Read MoreSmart leaders utilize pay transparency to build trust with their people. Additionally, a company that practices pay transparency is more likely to be viewed by job seekers as an employer of choice. These are just a few reasons why committing to pay transparency can help your company. Check out my new article to learn more.
Read MoreThe right leadership mindset can make all the difference between whether your organization survives the proverbial meteor strike or it shatters under impact. Read my new article on how you as a leader can better adapt to any sudden change or disruption in these uncertain times.
Read MoreExcited to share that my leadership/cultural insights are featured in the new book "We Have Liftoff", published by Fast Company and written by positive futurist @Michael Ashley and @ Tom Vice, CEO of Sierra Space. Please check out my new article describing how I show tomorrow's organizations in the book how to stave off the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting by inspiring organizations to reach for the stars. Literally.
Read MoreThe last few tumultuous years have shown us in technicolor how stubbornly adhering to plans is a losing business strategy. While tomorrow's leaders must plan—and plan wisely—they must also be flexible and adaptable enough to adjust those plans when circumstances dictate. Read my new article about the need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in 2024.
Read MoreThe conventional model of continuing business education is changing for the better. Progressive organizations that wish to win and retain top talent recognize an undeniable fact: investing in employee training and education pays real world dividends for tomorrow’s organizations. Read on to learn how and why.
Read MoreIn the past few decades, much of Corporate America’s attention has been focused on workers’ physical health. Unfortunately, mental health has gotten short shrift. With the stigma on this subject waning at last, let’s finally turn things around for workplace cultures in 2024.
Read More2023 brought us devastating chaos, violence, and war. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by it all, especially if you are in charge of an organization. Please read my message about finding peace and renewal, even in these dark times.
Read MoreEver since The Great Resignation rocked the business world, there’s been a major push-pull dynamic between employee-desired flexibility and employer-required stability. Read my new article to learn how to strike a balance between these two forces, especially concerning pay in our post-COVID era.
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